RPA has never been so easy

A truly digital workforce should be dynamic, responsive, robust and easy to interact with in addition to their core process skills. That is exactly what RPA Supervisor brings to your digital workforce as well as company wide insight into business results, work completed, pending tasks and any issues and risks that requires human intervention.

Get started

  • The first step is to go to our RPA Supervisor sandbox environment and see the solution in a real working environment. This environment is set up with 20 processes, licenses and digital workers simulating a real life RPA production environment. To access this and familiarize yourself with the RPA Supervisor please email info@rpasupervisor.com.

  • The next step is to get access to your own personal sandbox environment with full access rights. Here you will get hands on experience with the RPA Supervisor and also access the Blue Prism environment it manages. Just book a meeting with us athere and we will give you a quick introduction and send you logins and user manuals for your very own sandbox environment.

  • If you are still not convinced we are happy for you to install the RPA Supervisor and see it within your own infrastructure and on your own automated processes at no cost. We are happy for you to do a PoC or pilot based on installing RPA Supervisor on-premise or we can host it in the cloud for you. Simply book a meeting with us and we will get you started in no time.

Are hidden costs limiting your potential?

Managing total cost of ownership (TCO) is critical for IA program success.
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